Publication Type Journal Article
Title Encapsulation of gold nanoclusters: stabilization and more
Authors Bárbara Casteleiro J. M. G. Martinho José Paulo Farinha
Groups MPPM
Year 2021
Notice: Undefined index: in /afs/ on line 163
Volume 13
Number 41
Pages 17199-17217
Abstract Gold nanoparticles with only a few atoms, known as gold nanoclusters (AuNCs), have dimensions below 2 nm and feature singular properties such as size dependent luminescence. AuNCs are also highly photostable and have catalytic activity, low toxicity and good biocompatibility. With these properties, they are extremely promising candidates for application in bioimaging, sensing and catalysis. However, when stabilized only with small capping ligands, their use is hindered by lack of colloidal stability. Encapsulation of the AuNCs can contribute to provide a more robust protection and even to improve their properties. Here, we review the encapsulation of AuNCs in polymers, silica and metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for applications in bioimaging, sensing and catalysis.
Book Title
ISSN 2040-3364
EISSN 2040-3372
Conference Name
Bibtex ID WOS:000704753800001
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