Publication Type Journal Article
Title Ball Milling Modified SAPO-11 Based Catalysts for n-Decane Hydroisomerization
Authors Luisa Ferreira Filipa Ribeiro Auguste Fernandes A. Martins
Groups Chem4Env
Year 2019
Month June
Volume 4
Number 22
Pages 6713-6718
Abstract Bifunctional Pt/SAPO-11 catalysts were prepared using as acid matrix the microporous silico-aluminophosphate, SAPO-11, synthesized under microwave radiation. After synthesis, the material was physically modified using a ball mill, changing the grinding time but keeping frequency constant. The metal function (0.5 wt.\% Pt) was introduced through mechanical mixture with commercial Pt loaded alumina. The catalysts were characterized by several techniques: powder X-Ray Diffraction, pyridine adsorption followed by infrared spectroscopy, low temperature N-2 adsorption, Hg intrusion porosimetry and electronic microscopy (SEM). The characterization data show modifications of structural and textural properties of the samples as the milling time increases. The catalytic behaviour of Pt/SAPO-11 materials was studied for hydroisomerization of long chain n-alkanes, using n-decane as model molecule, aiming to increase the production of mono-branched isomers. The catalytic results show that, under optimized milling conditions (60 min; 50 Hz) the selectivity into mono-branched isomers increased when compared with parent catalyst.
Book Title
ISSN 2365-6549
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000471808200007
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