Publication Type Journal Article
Title Thorium and Uranium Carbide Cluster Cations in the Gas Phase: Similarities and Differences between Thorium and Uranium
Authors Claudia C. L. Pereira Remi Maurice Ana F. Lucena Shuxian Hu R. Goncalves Joaquim Marçalo John K. Gibson Lester Andrews Laura Gagliardi
Groups IOARC
Year 2013
Month October
Volume 52
Number 19
Pages 10968-10975
Abstract Laser ionization of AnC(4) alloys (An = Th, U) yielded gas-phase molecular thorium and uranium carbide cluster cations of composition An(m)C(n)(+), with m = 1, n = 2-14, and m = 2, n = 3-18, as detected by Fourier transform ion-cyclotron-resonance mass spectrometry. In the case of thorium, ThmCn+ cluster ions with m = 3-13 and n = 5-30 were also produced, with an intriguing high intensity of Th13Cn+ cations. The AnC(13)(+) ions also exhibited an unexpectedly high abundance, in contrast to the gradual decrease in the intensity of other AnC(n)(+) ions with increasing values of n. High abundances of AnC(2)(+) and AnC(4)(+) ions are consistent with enhanced stability due to strong metal-C-2 bonds. Among the most abundant bimetallic ions was Th2C3+ for thorium; in contrast, U2C4+ was the most intense bimetallic for uranium, with essentially no U2C3+ appearing. Density functional theory computations were performed to illuminate this distinction between thorium and uranium. The computational results revealed structural and energetic isparities for the An(2)C(3)(+) and An(2)C(4)(+) cluster ions, which elucidate the observed differing abundances of the bimetallic carbide ions. Particularly noteworthy is that the Th atoms are essentially equivalent in Th2C3+, whereas there is a large asymmetry between the U atoms in U2C3+.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1669
EISSN 1520-510X
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000326319800038
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