Publication Type Journal Article
Title Magnetic Properties of the Layered Lanthanide Hydroxide Series YxDy8-x(OH)(2)OCl4 center dot 6H(2)O: From Single Ion Magnets to 2D and 3D Interaction Effects
Authors Bernardo Monteiro Joana T. Coutinho Claudia C. L. Pereira Laura C. J. Pereira Joaquim Marçalo Manuel Almeida Jose J. Baldovi Eugenio Coronado Alejandro Gaita-Arino
Groups IOARC
Year 2015
Month February
Volume 54
Number 4
Pages 1949-1957
Abstract The magnetic properties of layered dysprosium hydroxides, both diluted in the diamagnetic yttrium analogous matrix (LYH:0.04Dy), and intercalated with 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate anions (LDyH-2,6-NDC), were studied and compared with the recently reported undiluted compound (LDyH = Dy-8(OH)(20)Cl-4 center dot 6H(2)O). The Y diluted compound reveals a single-molecule magnet (SMM) behavior of single Dy ions, with two distinct slow relaxation processes of the magnetization at low temperatures associated with the two main types of Dy sites, 8- and 9-fold coordinated. Only one relaxation process is observed in both undiluted LDyH and intercalated compounds as a consequence of dominant ferromagnetic DyDy interactions, both intra- and interlayer. Semiempirical calculations using a radial effect charge (REC) model for the crystal field splitting of the Dy levels are used to explain data in terms of contributions from the different Dy sites. The dominant ferromagnetic interactions are explained in terms of orientations of easy magnetization axes obtained by REC calculations together with the sign of the superexchange expected from the DyODy angles.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1669
EISSN 1520-510X
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000349656600089
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