Publication Type Journal Article
Title Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in NF-kappa B Activation: From Inducer to Modulator
Authors Virginia Oliveira-Marques H. Susana Marinho L Cyrne F. J. N. Antunes
Year 2009
Month September
Volume 11
Number 9
Pages 2223-2243
Abstract Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been implicated in the regulation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B, a key regulator of the inflammatory process and adaptive immunity. However, no consensus exists regarding the regulatory role played by H2O2. We discuss how the experimental methodologies used to expose cells to H2O2 produce inconsistent results that are difficult to compare, and how the steady-state titration with H2O2 emerges as an adequate tool to overcome these problems. The redox targets of H2O2 in the NF-kappa B pathway-from the membrane to the post-translational modifications in both NF-kappa B and histones in the nucleus-are described. We also review how H2O2 acts as a specific regulator at the level of the single gene, and briefly discuss the implications of this regulation for human health in the context of kappa B polymorphisms. In conclusion, after near 30 years of research, H2O2 emerges not as an inducer of NF-kappa B, but as an agent able to modulate the activation of the NF-kappa B pathway by other agents. This modulation is generic at the level of the whole pathway but specific at the level of the single gene. Therefore, H2O2 is a fine-tuning regulator of NF-kappa B-dependent processes, as exemplified by its dual regulation of inflammation. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 11, 2223-2243.
Book Title
ISSN 1523-0864
EISSN 1557-7716
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000268813900015
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