Publication Type Journal Article
Title Epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene using diamine bis(phenolate) vanadium, molybdenum and tungsten complexes as catalysts
Authors Filipe Madeira Sonia Barroso Sonia Namorado Patricia M. Reis Beatriz Royo Ana M. Martins
Groups IOARC
Year 2012
Month March
Volume 383
Pages 152-156
Abstract The dioxomolybdenum and dioxotungsten complexes [MoO2L1] (1-Mo) and [WO2L1] (2-W), supported by a diamine bis(phenolate) ligand (L-1= Me2NCH2CH2N(CH2-2-O-3,5-(C6H2Bu2)-Bu-t)(2)) were prepared from MoO2Cl2 and WO2Cl2(dme) in good yields. The solid-state structures of both compounds obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction reveal distorted octahedral geometries around the metals with cis terminal oxo ligands. Their performance in the catalytic epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene using H2O2 and TBHP as oxidants was evaluated. 2-W displays high activity with H2O2 as terminal oxidant, achieving 84\% conversion in 6 h (TOF = 1400 mol(sub)mol(cat)(-1)h(-1)), while its molybdenum counterpart 1-Mo was inactive in the same conditions. Using TBHP as oxidant the opposite trend was observed and 1-Mo attained 93\% conversion in 6 h (TOF = 1550 mol(sub)mol(cat)(-1)h(-1)). The Oxovanadium complexes [(VOLCl)-Cl-1] (3-V), [(VOLCl)-Cl-2] (4-V, L-2 = Me2NCH2CH(CH3)N(CH2-2-O-3,5-(C6H2Bu2)-Bu-t)(2)) and [(VOL1)(2)(mu-O)] (5-V) were also tested as catalysts in the epoxidation of cis-cyclooctene. The three compounds display high activity when the epoxidation reaction is performed using TBHP as oxidant. Using H2O2, 3-V and 4-V are moderately active while 5-V is inactive. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1693
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Bibtex ID ISI:000300623600024
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