Publication Type Journal Article
Title ADC-metal complexes as effective catalysts for hydrosilylation of alkynes
Authors Bruno G. M. Rocha Elena A. Valishina Rogério S. Chay M. Fátima C. Guedes da Silva Tatyana M. Buslaeva Armando J.L. Pombeiro V. Yu. Kukushkin K. Luzyanin
Groups CCC
Year 2014
Month January
Volume 309
Pages 79-86
Abstract Aminocarbene complexes cis-[PtCl2\C(N(H)N = (CRR3)-R-2)=N(H)R-1)(CNR1)] (7-15) prepared via the nucleophilic addition of hydrazones H2N-N=CR2123 [R-2, R-3 = Ph 4; R-2/123 = 9H-fluorenyl 5; R-2 = H, R-3 = 2-(OH)C6H4 6] to cis-[PtCl2(CNR1)2] [R1 = cyclohexyl (Cy) 1, 2,6-Me2C6H3 (Xyl) 2, 2-CI-6-MeC(6)H(3)3] were evaluated as catalysts for the hydrosilylation of terminal allcynes with trisubstituted silanes giving vinyl silanes. The optimized catalytic system runs at 80-100 degrees C in dry toluene for 3-6 h with a typical catalyst loading of 0.1 mol\%. A range of substrates with different steric hindrance and activity (Et3SiH, Pr3SiH, (Pr3SiH)-Pr-i, and PhMe2SiH as silanes; PhC CH, (BuC)-Bu-t CH, and 4-(Bu-t)C6H4 CH as allcynes) were successfully transformed into the target silylated products in 83-99\% yields attesting the versatility of our catalytic system. Decreasing the catalysts loading to 10-3 mol\% guaranteed the maximum TONs of 4.0 x 10(4) and TOFs of 1.7 x 10(2) (h(-1)) that were accomplished within 24 h of the reaction. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0021-9517
EISSN 1090-2694
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000330815400010
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