
Overview & Mission

Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) is a research unit internationally recognized for its outstanding scientific outcomes in the comprehensive area of Chemistry, with sites at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and Faculdade de Ciências (FCUL) of Universidade de Lisboa.

Our ambition is to develop cutting-edge research that addresses the most urgent societal challenges, where chemistry knowledge, at both fundamental and applied levels, is key.

Our mission encompasses: (i) the integrated use of chemistry to address challenging societal problems; (ii) the promotion of advanced training; (iii) the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge, creating social, economic, and cultural impacts.

Driven by excellence, CQE is committed to pioneering research and innovation, ensuring sustainable practices are embedded in our scientific endeavors. Our vision is to transform CQE into the most comprehensive and multidisciplinary research unit at the Universidade de Lisboa, gathering expertise and facilities to deliver scientific outcomes at the highest international level.

CQE also leads the Associate Laboratory (LA), the Institute of Molecular Sciences (IMS), in partnership with Centro de Química de Coimbra, from Universidade de Coimbra, and Centro de Investigação em Química, from Universidade do Porto.

The Unit research reflects a wide thematic diversity in chemistry 

Where the Research Groups are encouraged to collaborate flexibly on joint cross-disciplinary themes, building critical mass and fostering cross-fertilization to address the strategic areas defined in our Thematic Lines.


Strategic fields @ CQE

MOLCat – Molecular and Catalyst Design

Fit to purpose active molecules and metal clusters using advanced synthetic methods
Develop catalysts for sustainable processes

MATChem – Functional Materials Chemistry

Advanced Materials for Health, Energy & Water

MEDLife – Medicinal and Biological

Chemistry for Health
Multi-drug Resistance
Non-communicable diseases

GREENChem – Chemistry towards the Green Transition

CO2 capture, conversion and utilization
Regeneration of natural resources
Electrochemical energy storage and conversion