Mass Spectometry Infrastructure
The Mass Spectrometry (MS) facility @CQE-Técnico is located at the Alameda and Bobadela campus of IST, and is part of the IST-node of the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network.
Our main objective is to provide expertise, advanced training, and access to cutting-edge MS methodologies. The high sensitivity and selectivity of MS analysis, combined with its ability to provide precise qualitative and quantitative information on small molecules and macromolecules in complex samples, make it an essential tool in both research and industrial applications, in a wide range of fields from chemistry to pharmaceutical, food, clinical, environmental, and forensic sciences.
Our mission is built on three main pillars: research, education and service. While primarily supporting CQE/IMS members, we also collaborate with academia, industry, hospitals, and forensic authorities, to foster innovation and tackle research and societal challenges. We are deeply committed to hands-on training for PhD and MSc students and young researchers.

LCQ Fleet mass spectrometer with an ESI source (Thermo Scientific) interfaced with an HPLC-DAD (Dionex)
High-resolution QqTOF Impact II mass spectrometer (Bruker), which can be equipped with ESI source (Bruker) interfaced with a UPLC Elute system (Bruker) or with nanoESI CaptiveSpray nanoBooster source (Bruker) interfaced with a nanoLC (Dionex WPS-300TPLRS).
Accurate mass measurements.
Identification/screening of unknown/known small molecules in complex matrixes: contaminants, residues, biomarkers, drug metabolite, and degradants
For detailed information about services, please contact us:
MS@CQE-Bobadela: J. P. Leal ( )
High resolution spectra at FTICR/MS Extrel/Finnigan FTMS 2001-DT
Regular mass spectra at the Bruker Compact QTOF.
It will be possible to perform simple spectra or spectra with report
Networks and roadmaps

Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa