
ChemBio Infrastructure


The ChemBio Infrastructure of CQE-Ciências, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), integrates multiple scientific research laboratories. ChemBio@CQE-Ciências involves 8 multidisciplinary infrastructures, organized in 15 laboratories offering more than 50 different equipment and services, covering a wide range of applications in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, material science, pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, biology, geology, electronics, and energy.

Detailed information about this infrastructure can be found on the ChemBio @CQE-Ciências website where all updated information regarding services, equipment and applications is available.


Bárbara Velasco Anes

Specialist in Laboratory and Computer Infrastructures



ChemBio@CQE will soon make available : 

Calorimetry and thermal analysis, CALab 

Gases conversion, GASES 

Thermophysical properties, THERMOPHYSLAB  

Fluorescence & Biofluorescence, BFF  

-Ultracentrifuge Lab Room, Ucf  

-Surface area analyser, SAA 


Our laboratory infrastructures currently offer 2 types of services:  

Sample measurements & access to equipment for trained users  

To request one of our facility services you need to start by filling out the ChemBio Services request form, available at our website. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail with your request to:  

 Each of our facilities has its own set of relevant information which defines the operation, safety and waste management practices of the laboratory. Please contact us for more information! 

For detailed information about services, please contact us:

Bárbara Velasco Anes