Teresa Santos Silva will be the next Chemforum speaker

On the 8th of November Teresa Santos Silva, from REQUITE, FCT-NOVA will give a talk in Chemforum.

Teresa Santos-Silva is a Structural Biologist interested in integrative approaches to study protein-ligand interactions with applications in drug development and biotechnology. She graduated in 2001 in “Applied Chemistry” at FCT-NOVA and obtained a PhD in Structural Biology from NOVA, under the supervision of Maria João Romão in 2006. After a postdoc with Carlos Fontes at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, ULisboa, Teresa started as Senior Scientist through “Ciência 2008 Program” in 2009. In 2014 she was awarded the Clara Immerwahr Award for Women in Science from the Cluster of Excellence UniCat, TU Berlin, Germany. From 2014 until now Teresa holds a Research Scientist position, through the “Investigator Program” (IF). Teresa is the PI of an on-going project funded by FCT and the supervisor of 3 MSc, 2 PhD students, 2 Posdoc fellows (under co-supervision) and 1 “Bolseiro Investigação”. She is an expert in Protein Crystallography and is involved in the use of Small Angle Scattering for protein-ligand complexes structural characterization.

Published/edited: 06/11/2017