Facilities & Services
NMR facilities @ CQE – Técnico
Nmr facilities
Staff & contacts

The NMR facility @CQE IST is housed at Complexo Interdisciplinar and is part of the Portuguese NMR Network.
The main purposes of the NMR facility are:
– support research by providing access of habilitated users to the NMR machines (within and outside CQE)
– NMR training of researchers to allow for hand-on use of the facility; 3) provide NMR-services to academia and industry.
We offer access to liquid and solid state NMR instrumentation and expert assistance in designing NMR experiments and applications in distinct fields of chemistry, biochemistry and material sciences.
Starting on February 2022, the CQE NMR facility will implement a new online booking system using the Bookkit platform by Clustermarket. This system will improve time usage and facilitate the communication between NMR Staff and users. This will also make accounting much easier and more transparent as the system allows each user to track his/her own time consumption. As this is a remotely operated system, in person-bookings will end after an adaptation period. Current users will be added to the system during January 2022 and new users will be added after completion of the appropriate training by the NMR staff. You can access the booking system from the links below. Please consult the NMR Facility Manual for further booking system instructions.
Internal Area – NMR Users
Useful Links and Documents

The NMR facility at Técnico is part of the National NMR Network (PTNMR) and is partially supported by Infrastructure Project Nº 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI and PORL and FCT through PIDDAC).

Bruker 300 MHz Avance II NMR spectrometer, 5 mm BBO probe
The 300 MHz NMR spectrometer is installed in room 421, on the 4th floor of Complexo I. This equipment is permanently outfitted with a 5 mm two-channel (1H and X) Broad Band probe.
Available nuclei and experiments
Besides the standard 1H and 13C 1D experiments, this equipment allows for the observation of the following nuclei at the respective frequencies. 2D experiments are also available in this equipment, as well as temperature variation experiments (VT up and VT down). VT experiments are limited to the temperature range of -80 to +120 ºC.
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Time slot division and pricing
Time slots in the 300 MHz spectrometer are divided according to the scheme below. Booking of each time slot is restricted to specific time intervals. While weeknights, weekends and 3-hour blocks may be booked one week in advance, the 30 min blocks can only be booked 30 hours before.
Pricing is fixed at 1 unit/hour of use, being the real cost of each hour of use adjusted based on the year balance. VT experiments have added costs depending on the type and duration of the experiment.
User access rules
Only properly trained users have access to this spectrometer. VT experiments can only be performed by qualified personnel and after authorization by the management staff.
VT experiments can only be performed during the 3-hour blocks. VT down experiments cannot be performed at night.
Bruker 400 MHz Avance II NMR spectrometer, 5 mm BBO probe
The 400 MHz NMR spectrometer is installed in room 421, on the 4th floor of Complexo I. This equipment is permanently outfitted with a 5 mm two-channel (1H and X) Broad Band probe.
Available nuclei and experiments
Besides the standard 1H and 13C 1D experiments, this equipment allows for the observation of the following nuclei at the respective frequencies.
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Time slot division and pricing
Time slots in the 400 MHz spectrometer are divided according to the following scheme.
Pricing is fixed at 1 unit/hour of use, being the real cost of each hour of use adjusted based on the year balance. VT experiments have added costs depending on the type and duration of the experiment.
Booking of each time slot is restricted to specific time intervals. While weeknights, weekends and 3-hour blocks may be booked one week in advance, the 30 min blocks can only be booked 30 hours in advance.
User access rules
Only properly trained users have access to this spectrometer. VT experiments can only be performed by qualified personnel and after authorization by the management staff.
VT experiments can only be performed during the 3-hour blocks. VT down experiments cannot be performed at night.
Bruker 500 MHz Avance II+ NMR spectrometer
The 500 MHz NMR spectrometer is installed in room 123, on the 1st floor of Complexo I.
This equipment is only available for used that have completed the advanced training program and whose work justifies the recurrent use of this machine. Punctual uses of the 500 MHz spectrometer are possible under the supervision of one of the staff members and upon authorization.
Major operations in the hardware (ex. cable and filter connections, probe exchange) can only be performed by the staff.
Available probes and experiments
A wide variety of probes is available, as listed below.
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Time slot division and pricing
Time slots in the 500 MHz spectrometer are divided according to the following scheme.
Pricing is fixed at 10 unit/hour of use, being the real cost of each hour of use adjusted based on the year balance. VT experiments have added costs depending on the type and duration of the experiment.
Access to the 500 MHz spectrometer is restricted to specialized users. Access may be granted upon request and after specific training.
Users failing to comply with the established rules will lose access to this facility.
Lab Contacts
Low Field NMR Lab
Técnico Alameda
Complexo Interdisciplinar
lab room 412 (4th floor)
Prof. José Acenso
Head of Unit
Ext. 3253
Email: jose.ascenso@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Dr. Gonçalo C. Justino
Staff – Software Management
Ext. 1255
Email: goncalo.justino@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
High Field NMR Lab
Técnico Alameda
Complexo Interdisciplinar
lab 123 (1st floor)
Dr. M. João Ferreira
Staff – Facility Management & Solid State NMR
Ext. 3043
Email: m.joao.ferreira@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Solid State NMR Lab
Técnico Alameda
Complexo Interdisciplinar
lab 121 (1st floor)
Dr. Pedro F. Pinheiro
Staff – Facility Management
Ext. 1255
Email: pedro.pinheiro@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Pricing information
Members of other academic institutions can have access to our spectrometers either via collaboration or with a fee-based agreement.
400 and 300 MHz spectrometers can be operated by external users after completing the “New User NMR Training Course”. To request training please send an e-mail to Maria João Ferreira.
Técnico users: 2.75 / 3.75 / 4.75 / 5.00 €/hour for the 300 / 400 / 500 / solid-state NMR spectrometers, respectively
Non-Técnico users should contact Maria João Ferreira for pricing and availability.
All users acquire NMR data for themselves. Assisted data acquisition is available at an extra cost. Please contact a member of the facility staff for assisted data acquisition.
Members of non-academic institutions can have access to our spectrometers either via collaboration or with a fee-based agreement. Please contact Maria João Ferreira.