Doctor Honoris Causa

Professor Fátima Montemor will be awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Mons (Belgium). The name of the DEQ professor was proposed by the Faculty of Engineering, founded in 1837, which in 2009 merged with the University of Mons-Hainaut, giving rise to the University of Mons. Professor Fátima Montemor emphasizes the long tradition of this faculty "in the same areas of expertise as Técnico, being one of the strongest schools in the field of Engineering in Belgium". Professor Fátima Montemor's collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering is defined by her as “solid”, something that certainly influenced this distinction.

The Honoris Causa PhD award ceremony is scheduled for May 11, but due to the pandemic context, it may be postponed. Professor Fátima Montemor graduated in Chemical Engineering at Técnico in 1989, having also completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1995. She is a full professor at DEQ and a researcher at CQE and currently assumes the position of vice president of Técnico for Research and International Affairs.

Published/edited: 12/02/2021