Publication Type Journal Article
Title Assistance of DFT calculations on the design and rationalization of active pharmaceutical ingredients synthesis - Michael addition-isomerization steps in Oseltamivir synthesis
Authors Pedro Paulo Santos Luis F. Veiros
Groups IOARC
Year 2020
Month December
Volume 76
Number 51
Abstract The Michael addition step and the following C5 isomerization in Hayashi s synthesis of Oseltamivir was studied by means of a DFT mechanistic study. These steps are crucial for the viability of the process where the formation of a single stereoisomer is required. The results indicate that the addition reaction is under thermodynamic and not kinetic control and that the key factor determining the reaction stereoselectivity are the stereochemical constraints imposed by all substituents in the cyclohexane ring. The DFT results indicate that cyclohexylthiol should behave similarly to p-toluylthiol, the one actually employed, and tert-butylthiol should increase the ratio between isomers favoring the desired S configuration of the C5 atom. This work shows that DFT studies can be useful in the selection of a reactant to improve stereoselectivity of a chemical step. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0040-4020
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000597307400026
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