Publication Type Journal Article
Title Zn(II)-to-Cu(II) Transmetalation in an Amide Functionalized Complex and Catalytic Applications in Styrene Oxidation and Nitroaldol Coupling
Authors A. Paul L.M.D.R.S. Martins Anirban Karmakar Maxim L. Kuznetsov M. Fátima C. Guedes da Silva Armando J.L. Pombeiro
Groups CCC
Year 2020
Month June
Volume 25
Number 11
Abstract The mononuclear zinc(II) complex cis-[ZnL2(H2O)(2)] (1; L = 4-(pyridin-3-ylcarbamoyl)benzoate) was synthesized and characterized. By soaking crystals of 1 in a mixture of DMF-H2O solution containing a slight excess of Cu(NO3)(2) x 3H(2)O a transmetalation reaction occurred affording the related copper(II) complex trans-[CuL2(H2O)(2)] (2). The structures of the compounds were authenticated by single crystal X-ray diffraction revealing, apart from a change in the isomerism, an alteration in the relative orientation of the chelating carboxylate groups and of the pyridine moieties. H-bond interactions stabilize both geometries and expand them into two-dimensional (2D) networks. The transmetalation was confirmed by SEM-EDS analysis. Moreover, the thermodynamic feasibility of the transmetalation is demonstrated by density-functional theory (DFT) studies. The catalytic activities of 1 and 2 for the oxidation of styrene and for the nitroaldol (Henry) C-C coupling reaction were investigated. The copper(II) compound 2 acts as heterogeneous catalyst for the microwave-assisted oxidation of styrene with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, yielding selectively (>99\%) benzaldehyde up to 66\% of conversion and with a turnover frequency (TOF) of 132 h(-1). The zinc(II) complex 1 is the most active catalyst (up to 87\% yield) towards the nitroaldol (Henry) coupling reaction between benzaldehyde and nitro-methane or -ethane to afford the corresponding beta -nitro alcohols. The reaction of benzaldehyde with nitroethane in the presence of 1 produced 2-nitro-1-phenylpropanol in the syn and the anti diastereoisomeric forms, with a considerable higher selectivity towards the former (66:34).
Publisher MDPI
Book Title
EISSN 1420-3049
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000553858800181
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