Publication Type Journal Article
Title Ultrasound and Radiation-Induced Catalytic Oxidation of 1-Phenylethanol to Acetophenone with Iron-Containing Particulate Catalysts
Authors Mohamed M. A. Soliman Maximilian N. Kopylovich Elisabete C.B.A. Alegria A.P.C. Ribeiro Ana M. Ferraria Ana M. Botelho do Rego Luis M. M. Correia Marta S. Saraiva Armando J.L. Pombeiro
Groups CCC
Year 2020
Month February
Volume 25
Number 3
Abstract Iron-containing particulate catalysts of 0.1-1 mu m size were prepared by wet and ball-milling procedures from common salts and characterized by FTIR, TGA, UV-Vis, PXRD, FEG-SEM, and XPS analyses. It was found that when the wet method was used, semi-spherical magnetic nanoparticles were formed, whereas the mechanochemical method resulted in the formation of nonmagnetic microscale needles and rectangles. Catalytic activity of the prepared materials in the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone was assessed under conventional heating, microwave (MW) irradiation, ultrasound (US), and oscillating magnetic field of high frequency (induction heating). In general, the catalysts obtained by wet methods exhibit lower activities, whereas the materials prepared by ball milling afford better acetophenone yields (up to 83\%). A significant increase in yield (up to 4 times) was observed under the induction heating if compared to conventional heating. The study demonstrated that MW, US irradiations, and induction heating may have great potential as alternative ways to activate the catalytic system for alcohol oxidation. The possibility of the synthesized material to be magnetically recoverable has been also verified.
Book Title
EISSN 1420-3049
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000515384800310
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