Publication Type Journal Article
Title Relaxivities of magnetoliposomes: The effect of cholesterol
Authors Alexandra Carvalho M. Clara Gonçalves M. Barbara F. Martins Diana Meixedo Gabriel Feio
Groups MPPM
Year 2013
Month May
Volume 31
Number 4
Pages 610-612
Abstract We present relaxivities measurements for both the longitudinal and transverse relaxations of two types of liposomes loaded with ultra small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. The magnetoliposome systems presented are soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes, with and without cholesterol, in the phospholipid bilayer with different molar ratios lipid:cholesterol. In fact, cholesterol is needed to obtain stable liposomes for intravenous administration. The longitudinal and transverse relaxivities were measured with a NMR spectrometer in a 7 T magnetic field. For the studied concentrations, the liposomes show a negligible effect on the longitudinal relaxation time T-1 of the medium, but they are very efficient on decreasing the transverse relaxation time T-2, the behaviour one expects for a negative CA. We observed a lower transverse relaxivity for the magnetoliposome nanosystem with cholesterol, which strongly decreases with the cholesterol content in the liposome bilayer. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0730-725X
EISSN 1873-5894
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000317887800017
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