Publication Type Journal Article
Title Density Gradient Selection of Colloidal Silver Nanotriangles for Assembling Dye-Particle Plasmophores
Authors Rui Oliveira-Silva Mariana Sousa-Jeronimo David Botequim Nuno J. O. Silva D. M. F. Prazeres Pedro M. R. Paulo
Groups MPPM
Year 2019
Month June
Volume 9
Number 6
Pages 893-12
Abstract A simple method based on sucrose density gradient centrifugation is proposed here for the fractionation of colloidal silver nanotriangles. This method afforded particle fractions with surface plasmon resonances, spanning from red to infrared spectral ranges that could be used to tune optical properties for plasmonic applications. This feature was exemplified by selecting silver nanotriangle samples with spectral overlap with Atto-655 dye s absorption and emission in order to assemble dye-particle plasmophores. The emission brightness of an individual plasmophore, as characterized by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, is at least 1000-fold more intense than that of a single Atto-655 dye label, which renders them as promising platforms for the development of fluorescence-based nanosensors.
Book Title
ISSN 2079-4991
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000475352900087
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