Publication Type Journal Article
Title The first-line antiepileptic drug carbamazepine: Reaction with biologically relevant free radicals
Authors Ines L. Martins João Pedro da Costa Nunes Catarina Charneira Judit Morello Sofia A. Pereira J. P. Telo M. Matilde Marques Alexandra Maria Moita Antunes
Groups BioMol
Year 2018
Month December
Volume 129
Pages 559-568
Abstract Carbamazepine (CBZ) is one of the most widely used antiepileptic drugs by both adults and children. Despite its widespread use, CBZ is associated with central nervous system toxicity and severe hypersensitivity reactions, which raise concerns about its chronic use. While the precise mechanisms of CBZ-induced adverse events are still unclear, metabolic activation to the epoxide (CBZ-EP) has been thought to play a significant role. This work reports first-hand evidence that CBZ reacts readily with biologically relevant thiyl radicals with no need for bioactivation. Using liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry, multiple products from direct reaction of CBZ with glutathione (GSH) and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) were unequivocally identified, including the same product obtained upon ring-opening of CBZ-EP. The product profile is complex and consistent with radical-mediated mechanisms. Importantly, side products and adducts compatible with this non-enzymatic pathway were identified in liver extracts from CBZ-treated Wistar rats. The reaction of CBZ with GSH and NAC is more extensive in the presence of oxygen. Taking into consideration that GSH conjugation is, in general, a detoxification pathway, these results suggest that under hyperoxia/oxidative stress conditions the bioavailability of the parent drug may be compromised. Additionally, this nonenzymatic process can be anticipated to play, at least in part, a role in the onset of CBZ-induced adverse reactions due to the concomitant generation of reactive oxygen species. Therefore, the search for causal relationships between the formation of non-enzymatically-driven CBZ products and the occurrence of CBZ-induced adverse events in human patients merits further research, aiming the translation of basic mechanistic findings into a clinical context that may ultimately lead to a safer CBZ prescription.
Book Title
ISSN 0891-5849
EISSN 1873-4596
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000450298400052
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