Publication Type Journal Article
Title Copper(II) Complexes with Bulky N-Substituted Diethanolamines: High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Magnetic, and Catalytic Studies in Oxidative Cyclohexane Amidation
Authors Oksana V. Nesterova Dmytro S. Nesterov Julia Jezierska Armando J.L. Pombeiro Andrew Ozarowski
Groups CCC
Year 2018
Month October
Volume 57
Number 19
Pages 12384-12397
Abstract The novel coordination compounds [Cu-2-(H(t)BuDea)(2)(OAc)(2)] (1) and [Cu-2(H(n)BuDea)(2)Cl-2]center dot nH(2)O (2) have been prepared through the reaction of the respective copper(II) salts with N-tert-butyldiethanolamine (H(2)(t)BuDea, for 1) or N-butyldiethanolamine (H(2)(n)BuDea, for 2) in methanol solution. Crystallographic analysis reveals that, in spite of the common binuclear \Cu-2(mu-O)(2)\ core, the supramolecular structures of the complexes are drastically different. In 1 binuclear molecules are linked together by H-bonds into 1D chains, while in 2 the neighboring pairs of binuclear molecules are H-bonded, forming tetranuclear aggregates. Variable-temperature (1.8-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1 and 2 show a dominant antiferromagnetic behavior. Both complexes are also studied by HF-EPR spectroscopy. While the interaction between Cu(II) centers in 1 can be described by a single coupling constant J = 130.1(3) cm(-1) (using H = JS(1)S(2)), the crystallographically different \Cu-2(mu-O)(2)\ pairs in 2 are expected exchange from ferro- to antiferromagnetic behavior (with J ranging from -32 to 110 cm(-1), according to DFT calculations). Complexes 1 and 2 act as catalysts in the amidation of cyclohexane with benzamide, employing (BuOOBu)-Bu-t-Bu-t as oxidant. The maximum achieved conversion of benzamide (20\%, after 24 h reaction time) was observed in the 1/(BuOOBu)-Bu-t-Bu-t system. In the cases of (BuOO)-Bu-t(O)CPh or (BuOOH)-Bu-t oxidants, no significant amidation product was observed, while for (BuOO)-Bu-t(O)CPh, the oxidative dehydrogenation of cyclohexane occurred, giving cyclohexene, to afford the allylic ester (cyclohex-2-en-1-yl benzoate) as the main reaction product.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1669
EISSN 1520-510X
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000446413200056
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