Publication Type Journal Article
Title Synthesis of Metallomacrocycle and Coordination Polymers with Pyridine-Based Amidocarboxylate Ligands and Their Catalytic Activities towards the Henry and Knoevenagel Reactions
Authors Anirban Karmakar Guilherme M. D. M. Rúbio M. Fátima C. Guedes da Silva Armando J.L. Pombeiro
Groups CCC
Year 2018
Month November
Volume 7
Number 11
Pages 865-877
Abstract The reactions of 3,3 -\(pyridine-2,6-dicarbonyl)bis(azanediyl)\dibenzoic acid (H2L) with zinc(II), cadmium(II), and samarium(III) nitrates were studied, and the obtained compounds, [Zn(1 kappa O:2 kappa O -L)(H2O)(2)](n) (1), [Cd(1 kappa O-2:2 kappa O-2-L)(H2O)(2)](2)center dot 6n H2O center dot n C4H8O2 center dot 1.5n DMF (2), and [Sm(1 kappa O:2 kappa O O :3 kappa O -L)(NO3)(H2O)(dmf)](n) n DMF (3), were characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and X-ray single-crystal diffraction. Compounds 1 and 3 have 1D zigzag- and double-chain-type structures, respectively, whereas 2 features a dinuclear metallomacrocyclic complex. The ligand (L2-) orients in different conformations, that is, syn-syn for 1 and anti-anti for 2 and 3. Compound 1 is the first example in which the syn-syn conformation for this ligand has been observed. These compounds act as heterogeneous catalysts for the nitroaldol (Henry; in water medium) and Knoevenagel condensation reactions of different aldehydes, and the most effective is zinc coordination polymer 1. Recyclability, heterogeneity, and size-selectivity tests were performed, which showed that the catalyst was highly active over at least four recycling runs.
Book Title
ISSN 2191-1363
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000451837300004
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