Publication Type Journal Article
Title Tb3+/Yb3+ doped aluminosilicate phosphors for near infrared emission and efficient down-conversion
Authors Rocio Estefania Rojas Hernandez Luis F. Santos Rui M. Almeida
Groups MPPM
Year 2018
Month May
Volume 197
Pages 180-186
Abstract The spectral mismatch between incident solar photons and the bandgap of crystalline silicon in solar cells results in major energy losses. Photons with energies lower than the bandgap are lost due to transparency, while those with energies above the bandgap value will be absorbed, generating electron-hole pairs, but consuming only the energy E-g, with the excess being lost as heat through thermalization. Despite intensive research to obtain efficient down-conversion (DC) materials for frequency shifting layers in c-Si cells, their development so far involves techniques which are not cost effective. Taking this into account, aluminosilicate phosphors co-doped with the Tb3+/Yb3+ ion pair have been synthesized by sol-gel (SG) processing, a low cost technique which allows scalability and is especially useful to obtain films. The molar composition 90 SiO2-10 AlO1.5 was chosen as host to investigate if DC based on the Tb3+/Yb3+ pair leads to efficient quantum cutting in such material. We demonstrate the potential of this approach to obtain near infrared DC emission in aluminosilicate matrix with a conversion efficiency of up to 158\%, with potential to improve the performance of low bandgap photovoltaic solar cells.
Book Title
ISSN 0022-2313
EISSN 1872-7883
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000425996400027
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