Publication Type Journal Article
Title Ionic composition of seawaters and derived saline solutions determined by ion chromatography and its relation to other water quality parameters
Authors Natasa Gros M.Filomena Camões Cristina M. Oliveira M. C. R. Silva
Year 2008
Month November
Volume 1210
Number 1
Pages 92-98
Abstract Ion chromatography (IC) presents new possibilities for assessing information about environmental samples, namely waters of various compositions, ranging from high-purity water to highly saline ones. Constant proportion between major ions present in seawater, has been assumed in the past, from which the first practical equation relating chlorinity and salinity has been developed, being later substituted by a practical salinity scale, derived from conductivity measurements relative to a standard seawater, according to internationally accepted recommended procedures. Seawaters are characterized by salinity values around 35 while derived saline solutions may present considerable changes in ionic composition, conductivity, hence on salinity. Natural and anthropogenic phenomena may introduce new issues requiring clarification for which qualitative and quantitative information from additional sources is useful, e.g. ionic composition from IC. The different ranges of concentration of major and minor species present in seawater and derived saline solutions are a challenge for the optimization of a practical methodology for composition assessment in two single IC runs, one for anions and another one for cations, which has been attained in this work. Composition of saline solutions determined by IC was critically assessed in terms of anion-cation balance and further related to conductivity and salinity measurements aiming to evaluate the quality/completeness of ion chromatographic analyses performed at preselected conditions and to search for other meaningful relations for efficient recognition/distinction between saline solutions of different types. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0021-9673
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000260986100012
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