Publication Type Journal Article
Title Novel Heterometallic Schiff Base Complexes Featuring Unusual Tetranuclear \(Co2Fe2III)-Fe-III(mu-O)(6)\ and Octanuclear \(Co4Fe4III)-Fe-III(mu-O)(14)\ Cores: Direct Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties
Authors Eduard N. Chygorin Oksana V. Nesterova Julia A. Rusanoya Vladimir N. Kokozay Volodymyr V. Bon Roman Boca Andrew Ozarowski
Year 2012
Month January
Volume 51
Number 1
Pages 386-396
Abstract A one-pot reactions of cobalt powder with iron(II) chloride in dimethylformamide (DMF; 1) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; 2) solutions of polydentate salicylaldimine Schiff base ligands (H2L1, 1; H4L2, 2) based on 2-aminobenzyl alcohol (1) or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (2), formed in situ, yielded two novel heterometallic complexes, [(Co2Fe2III)-Fe-III(L-1)(6)]center dot 4DMF (1) and [(Co4Fe4III)-Fe-III(HL1)(8)(DMSO)(2)]center dot 18DMSO (2). Crystallographic investigations revealed that the molecular structure of 1 is based on a tetranuclear core, \(Co2Fe2III)-Fe-III(mu-O)(6)\, with a chainlike metal arrangement, while the structure of 2 represents the first example of a heterometallic octanuclear core, \(Co4Fe4III)-Fe-III(mu-O)(14)\, with a quite rare manner of metal organization, formed by two pairs of \CoFe(HL2)(2)\ and \CoFe(HL2)(2)(DMSO)\ moieties, which are joined by O bridges of the Schiff base ligands. Variable-temperature (1.8-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements showed a decrease of the mu B value at low temperature, indicative of antiferromagnetic coupling (J/hc = -32 cm(-1) in 1; J/hc = 20 cm(-1) in 2) between the Fe-III magnetic centers in both compounds. For 2, three J constants between Fe-III centers were assumed to be identical. High-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectra allowed one to find spin Hamiltonian parameters in the coupled-spin triplet and quintet states of 1 and estimate them in 2. The outer and inner Fe atoms in 2 appeared separately in the Mossbauer spectra.
Book Title
ISSN 0020-1669
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000298712000051
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