Publication Type Journal Article
Title Recent progress in repositioning Alzheimer s disease drugs based on a multitarget strategy
Authors M. Amélia Santos Karam Chand Sílvia Chaves
Groups BIOIN
Year 2016
Month November
Volume 8
Number 17
Pages 2113-2142
Abstract Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a serious progressive neurological disorder, characterized by impaired cognition and profound irreversible memory loss. The multifactorial nature of AD and the absence of a cure so far have stimulated medicinal chemists worldwide to follow multitarget drug-design strategies based on repositioning approved drugs. This review describes a summary of recently published works focused on tailoring new derivatives of US FDA-approved acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, in addition to huperzine (a drug approved in China), either by hybridization with other pharmacophore elements (to hit more AD targets), or by combination of two FDA-approved drugs. Besides the capacity for improving the cholinergic activity, these polyfunctional derivatives are also able to tackle other important neuroprotective properties, such as anti-a-amyloid aggregation, scavenging of radical oxygen species, modulation of redox-active metals or inhibition of monoamine oxidase, thereby resulting in potentially novel and more effective therapeutics for the treatment of AD.
Book Title
ISSN 1756-8919
EISSN 1756-8927
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000386339500009
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