Publication Type Journal Article
Title A nickel availability study in serpentinised areas of Portugal
Authors Sheila Alves Maria Ascensao Trancoso Maria de Lurdes Simoes Goncalves Margarida Correia dos Santos
Year 2011
Month September
Volume 164
Number 3
Pages 155-163
Abstract The factors that control Ni availability and adsorption in serpentine soils from the northeast of Portugal, which developed under temperate climacteric conditions, were investigated following characterisation of the soils selected physicochemical properties. Ni bioavailability was assessed through complementary extractions. The results showed that surface-bound Ni in serpentine soils is primarily specifically adsorbed. The influence of the soils physicochemical characteristics and of the Ni-bearing oxides on Ni bioavailability (EDTA-extractable Ni) was examined using correlation analysis. Our study revealed that most of the variability in Ni bioavailability in the Portuguese serpentine soils can be linked to hydrous manganese oxide. Surface affinity for exogenous Ni was evaluated by adsorption studies on soil suspensions followed by voltammetric titrations at pH 7.Sorption data was fitted to a Langmuir isotherm assuming the formation of one-to-one Ni complexes with the soil surface binding sites. Conditional surface formation constants and the concentration of surface groups for Ni binding were determined. The results showed that serpentine soils have potential available sites for further Ni adsorption. Hydrous Mn oxides existing in these serpentine soils determine the Ni sorption capacity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0016-7061
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000294151100007
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