Publication Type Journal Article
Title Optical detection of single non-absorbing molecules using the surface plasmon resonance of a gold nanorod
Authors Peter Zijlstra Pedro M. R. Paulo Michel Orrit
Groups MPPM
Year 2012
Month June
Volume 7
Number 6
Pages 379-382
Abstract Existing methods for the optical detection of single molecules require the molecules to absorb light to produce fluorescence(1) or direct absorption signals(2-4). This limits the range of species that can be detected, because most molecules are purely refractive. Metal nanoparticles(5,6) or dielectric resonators(7-9) can be used to detect non-absorbing molecules because local changes in the refractive index produce a resonance shift. However, current approaches only detect single molecules when the resonance shift is amplified by a highly polarizable label(8,10,11) or by a localized precipitation reaction on the surface of a nanoparticle(12). Without such amplification, single-molecule events can only be identified in a statistical way(13). Here, we report the plasmonic detection of single molecules in real time without the need for labelling or amplification. Our sensor consists of a single gold nanorod coated with biotin receptors, and the binding of single proteins is detected by monitoring the plasmon resonance of the nanorod with a sensitive photothermal assay(14). The sensitivity of our device is similar to 700 times higher than state-of-the-art plasmon sensors(15) and is intrinsically limited by spectral diffusion of the surface plasmon resonance.
Book Title
ISSN 1748-3387
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000305008200011
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