Publication Type Journal Article
Title Spreadsheet for designing valid least-squares calibrations: A tutorial
Authors Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva
Year 2016
Month February
Volume 148
Pages 177-190
Abstract Instrumental methods of analysis are used to define the price of goods, the compliance of products with a regulation, or the outcome of fundamental or applied research. These methods can only play their role properly if reported information is objective and their quality is fit for the intended use. If measurement results are reported with an adequately small measurement uncertainty both of these goals are achieved. The evaluation of the measurement uncertainty can be performed by the bottom-up approach, that involves a detailed description of the measurement process, or using a pragmatic top-down approach that quantify major uncertainty components from global performance data. The bottom-up approach is not so frequently used due to the need to master the quantification of individual components responsible for random and systematic effects that affect measurement results. This work presents a tutorial that can be easily used by non-experts in the accurate evaluation of the measurement uncertainty of instrumental methods of analysis calibrated using least-squares regressions. The tutorial includes the definition of the calibration interval, the assessments of instrumental response homoscedasticity, the definition of calibrators preparation procedure required for least-squares regression model application, the assessment of instrumental response linearity and the evaluation of measurement uncertainty. The developed measurement model is only applicable in calibration ranges where signal precision is constant. A MS-Excel file is made available to allow the easy application of the tutorial. This tool can be useful for cases where top-down approaches cannot produce results with adequately low measurement uncertainty. An example of the application of this tool to the determination of nitrate in water by ion chromatography is presented. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Book Title
ISSN 0039-9140
EISSN 1873-3573
Conference Name
Bibtex ID ISI:000366786400024
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